Surrogate Stories
Surrogates Share Insights into their Journeys.
Being a surrogate for a family that could not otherwise have a baby is one of the most profound gifts a woman can give, and is a deeply rewarding experience for the surrogate mother.
At Pinnacle Surrogacy, we work closely with you and our intended parents every step of the way ensuring we make the best, most rewarding matches possible. The compensation we offer our surrogates is highest in the industry (you can read more about surrogate pay here) because we recognize the time, energy, and commitment to the process.
Deciding to become a surrogate is a serious responsibility. You must be stable and mature, and willing to commit to the emotional and psychological challenges associated with surrogacy (you can read more about qualifications to become a surrogate here). It is also an incredible gift, and our surrogates can testify to the life-enriching experience. Below are stories from some of our surrogate mothers, with real questions and answers about their motivation, the biggest challenges they faced, and the pride and joy of their experience.

Amelia is laid back and relaxed and is also devoted to taking excellent care of herself. She enjoys staying in shape and comes from a loving and supportive family, including two daughters. Amelia has been a surrogate before and says helping to bless others with the gift of parenthood is one of her biggest joys.
I know what it’s like to try for a baby and not be able to. Turned out our infertility issues were not because of me and I could get pregnant just fine. But it pulled on my heart for a long time. I wanted to give someone the gift I felt I had been given.
Yes I was blessed to journey twice. The 2nd was by far my favourite since I knew what to expect for the most part and was able to enjoy it more.
I have a very loving and supportive family. They embraced it and were very supportive in every way. My girls were 12 at the time and were so proud of the fact that I was helping someone who couldn’t have had a baby without our help.
I can’t say there were challenges. Carrying a baby is the easy part. Raising them is the biggest challenge of our lives. I was laid back and relaxed knowing all I had to do was to focus on taking the utmost care of myself. I used the journey to stay in the best shape possible and made really good choices with food and exercise. Getting them here full term and healthy was up to God so I did my part and all was well.
The 2nd mom I carried for had a premature baby who passed away. The absolute most rewarding part was seeing her tears when her sweet baby girl came out and was crying a healthy cry. We both burst out in tears of PURE joy! It is a highlight of my life!
I worked with a different agency the 1st journey, that did not educate me on carrying multiples. I wish someone had talked to me about this and educated me more. I would not have chosen to transfer 2 embryos had I known what I now know.
Work with people who have experience. Know what you need to know and trust those that have been in this industry a while with the rest. If you try to control too much it will make for a stressful journey. If you just relax and enjoy each step it will make your journey way more enjoyable. We all waste too much time and energy trying to control what we can’t. Be responsive and attentive as needed and take the best care of yourself that you can. You will be doing the baby a huge favor. Anything outside of that, let go and it will all work out as it should.

When she learned that she could help others experience the joys of parenthood, Sophie knew right away that it was her true calling in life. She comes from a very supportive family who is excited during each of her surrogate journeys, and she refers to her spouse as the “poster child for a pregnant woman’s husband.
I had beautiful and easy pregnancies and just felt so blessed to have my children. When I came across those who struggled to have that blessing, it was gut-wrenching to think that there are those that couldn’t experience the joy that I have. Once I learned that this is something I could help with, it became an undeniable calling.
Yes, I am currently halfway through my 6th journey.
My family reacted with unbridled support and excitement. My husband is a poster child for a pregnant woman’s husband. And my children were involved and learned that there are many ways one can give to others. It’s truly been an exciting experience for everyone.
I would have to say, in general, making sure you feel good in your gut about the couple or parent that you are matched with. I never want to feel like I’ve handed a child over to a bad situation and have any regrets. I’ve been blessed to never have encountered that. Next, I would say administering the shots. It’s not difficult, but sometimes my hips are sore and bruised all over.
HANDS DOWN…the reaction when my IPs have seen their baby for the first time and heard baby’s first cry. It’s the BEST feeling ever because I remember it with my own like it was yesterday. When you know exactly how amazing that feeling is, it feels wonderful to give it to someone else. 😊
Hmmm…maybe that I had found Pinnacle Surrogacy sooner? But then, I’ve had such amazing journeys and have created lasting relationships…I can’t say I’d change a thing.
Research as much as you can. And be patient.

Tessa enjoys playing with her kids, going to the beach, and listening to rock ‘n’ roll music. She is usually quiet around strangers, but she is extremely lively when she is around her friends. Sarah has been a surrogate multiple times and finds it very rewarding to help families achieve their dreams.
I became a surrogate because I wanted to help someone become a parent.
Yes, I am getting ready for my second round.
At first my mom and dad were a little unsupportive. My step mom was on board and helped me out a lot from the beginning to the end. In the end my mom and dad thought it was amazing and beautiful. All my parents were supportive the second time.
For me the most challenging was the beginning. Although I did well and was able to give myself shots, it was a challenge every evening to do so when I started.
The most rewarding moment was seeing the joy and happiness in the parents’ faces!! They now had a family and I was able to help get them there.
I had researched becoming a surrogate a bunch beforehand and was ready and prepared.
I would say make sure you do your research! Don’t make the decision lightly. If you think about it as someone is renting your womb it makes things easier.

Olivia is down to earth and devoted to her family. She wants other people to be able to feel the same love for a child that she experiences with her own children. Olivia prioritizes honesty, and she is very much an empath. In her free time, Olivia enjoys exercising and reading mystery novels.
I know what it’s like to try for a baby and not be able to. Turned out our infertility issues were not because of me and I could get pregnant just fine. But it pulled on my heart for a long time. I wanted to give someone the gift I felt I had been given.
Most people have been extremely supportive. I think the biggest negative would be people wandering how I could carry a baby and give it away. I don’t see it as giving the baby away. The baby is not mine, it’s been given to me to grow and look after for 9 months and I’m giving it back! And when I explain that, it’s received well for the most part. In the end my extended family isn’t why I’ve decided to become a surrogate and the support of my husband and kids is what matters.
The waiting through the screening process and matching. I struggle with that in general.
Only being 5w 2 days pregnant, the most rewarding part has been the intended mother texting me that “we are pregnant!” And seeing her excitement!
Lifting restrictions whilst being pregnant, especially having young children, but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker.
Research as much as you can. And be patient.

Sally enjoys everything outdoors, including daily walks with her dog and attending her daughter’s horseback riding lessons. She is very laid back, and her dream vacation is to visit Greece. She has been a surrogate before, and her husband and friends are very supportive during the process.
I absolutely loved being pregnant! I have had such easy pregnancies it only made sense to me to carry for someone else. I knew that after having 2 kids of my own that we were finished growing our own family, and I was ready to help
I have been a surrogate twice! I’m currently in the process to complete a 3rd journey.
My husband thought it was a crazy idea. After I explained the process and how it was the intended parents’ embryo, he was much more receptive to the idea. Our kids (9,6) think it is totally normal now that I have done it twice!
I would say the most challenging thing for me throughout this process was after delivery. Not emotionally but physically. When you deliver your own child, you have that baby at home to make you slow down and rest. When you deliver a surrogate baby you don’t have that afterwards! It can be so hard to remember you just delivered a baby and need to lay down!
When you finally deliver and get to see your intended parents become parents! You grow your relationship with the IP’s throughout the process. It really is so amazing to know you helped them grow their family!
One thing I wished I had known before becoming a surrogate was just how time consuming it really is. You will have multiple ultrasounds and lab draws before even transferring. And then again after transfer until you are released to your OB. They need to be done on certain days as well. It’s so important to follow protocol!
I would tell all new surrogates to be flexible. Don’t stress if timelines change! It’s all part of the process. I would also tell them to be understanding. Your intended parents have most likely gone through so much loss once they reach the point of needing a surrogate. They will need updates on appointments and how everything is progressing often.
Surrogacy With Compassion, Integrity & Collaboration.
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